Daily Creates Vegas

I did 3 daily creates this week while on travel for work and here are my posts.

The first one was to add “and then the dragons arrived” to the first line of a book and create an image. For some reason I chose harry potter and used an AI image generator…. anyway, here is the result.

The next one was to create a coloring page out of an image. I wanted to use something dark and make it colorful, so I decided to use my Edgar Alan Poe pic from a previous daily create. The Vegas lights must have seeped into my subconscious because it sems like i used those kinds of colors and patterns. Here is my post.

The third on was to make fractal art. I decided to go with the below picture because I liked the black negative space kind of cutting through the colorful areas. I named it reality tear.

It was nice to get back to the hotel at the end of a long workday and take a break from the super seriousness to be a little creative.

7th Week Summary

When I saw the assignments this week, I was really excited to get started. I did a lot of research and was trying to do some crazy things with the assignments. For starters I was going to do a deepfake video for the propaganda, but I just couldn’t find a software that was good enough for what I wanted to do. At las though I decided to do a video because during my research I found a lot of things about sensory contrast and overload. If you go to my post about it, you can see the video for yourself and see what I mean. I decided to make it against my character’s beliefs because I wanted to try and gauge how it would make him feel if he just received this in an email or something. I know he would go on some rant on his blog or podcast and I kind of want to hear it.

For the PSA assignment I had some trouble because all of the iterations I made, came out like advertisements and was trying to avoid that. The one that I decided to emulate was the AARP PSA from the archives. Talking about problems and how Aggressive Technologies can solve them and just offering more info fit into that category pretty well. Here is my post about it.

Then lastly, I did my 3 daily creates. Fun as always, especially the one with the sound dudes. Here is my post.

Again, fun week. I am disappointed though I couldn’t find a deepfake site that could do what I wanted. I have a feeling that would have been unsettling and really hammer home some of the dangers of AI. Like really, can we even trust video anymore…

TDC Not Today Warp

This week we had to do 3 daily crates and they were quick and easy. For the first one we had to do post a picture that represents purity. I went away from the standard light colors and calming vibes to my first thought which was a purity seal from Warhammer 40k. I am going to need that chaos protection if I want to stay pure from the warp. Post below.

For the next one we had to make a net art picture. I do think these things are art because it still takes a small amount of creativity to come up with a prompt that’s good. Some of my first tests were with terms like “toxic” and it only came up with toxic masculinity posts that degraded women and I am not about that ugh. So, it was an experiment to get something cool. I gave it the prompt bioweapon and it came out awesome. Here was my post.

For the last on we got to have fun with oscillators. The sounds were interesting, and I had a fw thoughts on what i thought they sounded like. Here is the post.

It was cool this week, probably going to do that net art thing a few more times.

AGT PSA Global Climate Change

So, for my PSA I had my character read a PSA provided to him by Aggressive Technologies for his pro-AI podcast. I like to think that he currently loves Aggressive Technologies for their AI advancement, but when it comes to AI rights he is still skeptical if it is all for money. Maybe he will fall prey to the money himself if he keeps working with them? I’m not going to lie I had a tough time with this, and it took me like 10 iterations to not have it just be an advertisement for Aggressive Technologies. I hope you enjoy it.

Propaganda Video… Hope Thats OK?

I had so much fun the last two weeks with my video editor (sarcasm detected) that I decided to make a propaganda commercial. There is no evidence provided that what is said is true or where they get their facts from. But it is startling to say the least. So how does this relate to my character. Well, I feel as if I was getting in too dep with what Kvin is interested in and so I decided to imagine a group that wants to counter his message. This would be like a TV commercial that Kevin would blog angrily about or go on rants on his podcast or something like that. I just wanted to make something that would piss him off and have him go off the rails. I hope you enjoy it. (Keep the volume a tad lower than normal)

Week 666 Summary

For the weekly summary this week I would say it was successful. I had a lot of setbacks with some of the tools again, but I think I made it through ok, kinda.

For the assignments is decided to do the three videos instead of the one with Dr. Oblivion. I had already done that assignment the previous week, but I didn’t want to go back and do it again but to turn it into a video. I also chose the three because I wanted to try and test my skills with 3 different types of video assignments. Yeah, it was probably more work, but I feel that is the point of a course like this, to try and experiment and get your reps in with the tools. So, the 3 assignments I decided to do were intro video, top 10 list, and something scary. For the intro video I decided to make it like my character was introducing himself for his new blog. Here is the post. For the top ten list, I had my character give a top 10 ways AI is already helping us and that if you do not see why this is important, you are an idiot etc. Here is the post. And then for something scary I decided to record myself playing Alien Isolation. But after recording for 2 plus hours I realized I didn’t have my microphone on high enough so you couldn’t even her me talk over the gameplay. So, I decided to re-try with another game, The Forrest. Here is the result of that.

For my daily creates I decided to do the ones that had old timey pictures and one added a caption, and for the other I uploaded a video of a song that might be playing for it. It was fun, especially the one with the song. Here is my post about it.

Then finally I wrote my post on how my character would interact and think about the company Aggressive technologies. Long story short, he is supportive, but worried that may not allow AI to have freedom because they want to control it for profit. Here is my post about it.

So overall, it was a lot of work for me this week. Again, I really am lacking in video editing skills, at least in terms of speed. I think I know what to do and what to click to make things happen, but I just do not have the muscle memory yet. So yeah, fun, tough week, but I can’t wait to see what we do next. I honestly hope its more video so I can work on the skills a bit more.

Gosh Darn this is Frustrating!

Ok so I thought this would be the easiest of the assignments because I play videogames a fair amount, however, it became the most awkward and crazy learning experience. Si did the Make it Scary, Make it Fun assignment and had to do so many weird things to get this to work and it never did. Ugh. First, I had to figure out how to get the recording program to work. It took a bit of learning, but I finally got the shortcuts down. Then I had to make sure it was recording my voice. It seemed to be based on what the program was saying. But what I neglected to check was if my voice was able to be heard over the gameplay. So, I recorded like 3 hours of Alien Isolation footage…. and my voice wasn’t coming through. Like you could barely hear it even if you were trying really hard to listen for it. The only issue with that game, is there was a lot of walking around and doing nothing, so if I re-started the process, I would have to play at least 3 hours to get the footage I needed. So, I switched to a game that had more freaky moments to cut down on play time and up the scary factor. I switched to The Forrest. I have played it a bit before, and I remember stopping because I was genuinely anxious playing it. It is a survival craft horror game with indigenous cannibals and eldritch horrors and the point is to find your son and scape the island. So where did this go wrong… glad you ask. In the recording software, it has an option to sperate the audio from the microphone and the screen. I was like hell yeah! then I can edit both separately and cut out my voice if it sounds dumb. Well little did I know that it doesn’t create two files, it layers both audio files into one Mp4 and only certain editors have the ability to read that feature… so again, I wasted about 1.5 hours recording to only have my voice show up outside the editor, but in the editor it only picks up the game music… so I’m going to embed my play sessions to s which you get to hear, my voice or the game. Experiment time!

I had to post this before time ran out, so the second vid is still processing as of this post.

Kevin’s First Top Ten!

For this assignment I chose the top ten list. I didn’t really make a top ten, but I did a “ten cool things AI is already doing” list as my character for his “blog”. This assignment was cool because I had to do a little bit of research and find the ten things my character would think is cool. Turns out he thinks he is somewhat of a humanitarian but fails to realize that these are restricted AI’s. Who knows what they would do if given full freedom to “optimize” their processes. Anyway, enjoy the video.

Kevin Makes a Blog Too…

To dive deeper into my character, I decided to do the 3 video assignments this week. This first one I’m going to post about is the assignment Character Description. The main focus was to make a video describing your character. I decided to role play a bit and do the video as Kevin (yeah, it’s my voice but I played up the internet bro slang a bit) doing an intro to his new blog. I hope it came out ok. I used Microsoft Clipchamp and after messing around in it FOREVER last week, I think I ironed out the kinks.