My name is Tyler Lindsay. I created this page for DS106, but I am starting to enjoy the idea of expressing my thoughts publicly since my job and my life are a mystery to most. I have had a very interesting and fortunate life to say the least. I will not reveal too much up front, but believe me, I have had some crazy experiences and I have some crazy stories. Hopefully over the course of this semester I will be able to relay a few of the cooler ones.
To give you a small intro into my professional life, I was in the Army for 8.5 years as an intelligence analyst and was able to work at some pretty cool places. For my first duty station I was in Wiesbaden Germany working at US Army Europe Headquarters as a strategic analyst on the Levant team. After that I moved to DC and ended my time in service working at the White House Communications Agency. I have also worked at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Booze Allen, and a small defense contractor called Kudu Dynamics. At every one of these I dabbled in AI and machine learning programs and capabilities. All of them in a military capacity, but that’s the coolest kind, right? To finish it off, I currently work for Headquarters Air Force at the Pentagon dealing with Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance and Cyber Effects Operations.
Enough work talk, now about the internal me. I am what you would call an athletic nerd. I play video games, I play Dungeons and Dragons, I play Magic the Gathering. But I also play soccer, basketball, lift weights, and I run about 15 miles a week. I have the most eclectic music tastes of any person you will ever meet. One day I will be listening to Toots and the Maytals for some old school ska. Then the next day I will listen to some Jhonny Cash followed up by some good ole Cannibal Corpse. Seriously when I say I listen to everything, I actually mean I listen to everything. There is no bad music.
There are some more things I want to write but… ill add them at a later date.
I am glad to be going to UMW and excited to be part of this class. I hope to hear from you all.